We are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Simply, we stand with Ukraine against Russia. This organization was created by Ukrainian Americans with family members in Ukraine. We are committed to raising a voice of moral conscious against Russia’s aggression and will not be silent. We will raise a voice against Russia wherever we can. We will stand with Ukraine.


AmericaForUkraine is a not-for-profit foundation that aims to alleviate human suffering caused by the Russian Federation's war in Ukraine. The consequences of unjustified Russian aggression are unmeasurable and devastating. Millions of Ukrainian children, women, and the elderly have no place to call home, critical water and electricity infrastructure, health care, and education facilities are destroyed. As the war escalates, more people are being killed, injured, and become deprived of access to food and medical care.

Our mission is to raise funds and have them safely delivered to the trusted people on the ground in Ukraine who can provide hygiene, medical, and food supplies to children and families in heavily bombed cities, such as Kyiv and Kharkiv, also cities that have damaged infrastructure and limited access to food and medical care.